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Well-trained coaches ensure that young athletes have fun, stay engaged and get the maximum benefit from youth sports.


Well-trained coaches ensure that young athletes have fun, stay engaged and get the maximum benefit from youth sports.

Coaching Education

Coaching Education

Read LA County Department of Public Health updated Reopening Protocol for Youth Sports Leagues (8/06/20)

Read COVID-19 Youth Sports Guidance from the California Department of Public Health


LA84 and its coaching education partners offer online resources and a wide range of in-person clinics for coaches ranging from first-time volunteer parents to experienced high school coaches. All LA84 courses are available at no charge or a significantly reduced registration cost. More than 75,000 coaches have attended our clinics.


Check out LA84 clinics, and free online resources on safety, and coaching soccer (English and Spanish), track & field, cross country, volleyball, water polo (English & Spanish), baseball and basketball.


See scheduled clinics offered by LA84 and its coaching education partners, and learn how to request a clinic in Southern California.


Read and download material on coaching philosophy and coaching techniques in seven sports.


PEP is an exercise program, done on the practice field, that has been proven to reduce the rate of ACL injuries. Watch the videos; read the scientific paper.


Learn how to do a dynamic warm-up for track and field and other running sports.


Resources from the LA84 Foundation’s May 7th, 2019 workshops. Hands on practical workshops where you will receive relevant information on safety in youth sports that you can apply daily.

Coaching Education

“Young people cannot reap all the benefits of youth sports if they drop out early. So, we need coaches who know how to make sports a meaningful and positive experience that keeps kids in the game.”

Young people cannot reap all the benefits of youth sports if they drop out early. 
So, we need coaches who know how to make sports a meaningful and positive experience that keeps kids in the game.
Young people cannot reap all the benefits of youth sports if they drop out early. So, we need coaches who know how to make sports a meaningful and positive experience that keeps kids in the game.