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LA84 Grantmaking
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Are there deadlines for grant applications?
The LA84 Foundation accepts applications at any time throughout the year. There are two phases of the application, with Phase I review completed in within eight weeks.

2) Can you send me an application?
The online application form is available on the LA84’s Grants page.

3) Are grant guidelines available?
Grant guidelines are available on LA84’s Grants page.

4) Can we meet with someone to discuss a possible proposal?
Due to limited staff resources, the Foundation rarely meets with applicants prior to the submission of an application. A member of the Grants staff will contact you if additional information is required when you apply. If you have thoroughly reviewed the website and still have questions, you may call the Foundation and speak to one of our program staff

5) How long does it take to approve a grant?
That depends upon the size and complexity of the grant request. The entire application and approval process generally happens within 3-6 months.

6) What is the average grant award?
The majority of grants that are made are $10,000 or less. However, we also make larger grants for more complex programs.

7) Do you fund general operating expenses?
The Foundation very rarely funds general operating expenses.

8) Do you give grants to individuals?

9) Do you give grants to organizations outside of Southern California?
LA84 funds programs and activities located in Southern California. The headquarters may be located outside of Southern California.

10) When and how will I know if my proposal has been accepted or rejected?
All applicants receive email communication regarding the status of their application. Requests that are considered by the Board typically take six months for consideration from date of receipt.

11) If my application was declined, can I reapply?
Another request is eligible for consideration 12 months from the date of the declination.

12) Our application was declined. Can you tell us why?
LA84 has limited resources and the grant process is highly competitive. The staff and board look for programs meet the Foundation’s funding priorities.

13) Can you help us write the application?
We do not provide help with completing the application. Resources that might be helpful include the Center for Nonprofit Management or The Grantsmanship Center. Another option is Project Grantsmanship, which underwrites up to 90 percent of the cost of the five-day Grantsmanship Training Program.

14) We are a new organization and don’t yet have 501(c)(3) status. May we still apply?
You should wait until the 501 (c)(3) status is conferred before applying. An alternate option may be partnering with an organization that would agree to serve as a “fiscal agent” for your request.

15) Are there areas in which you don’t make grants?
Funding is not provided for the following requests: direct aid to individuals; sectarian, religious or fraternal purposes; federated fundraising appeals; support of candidates for political office or to influence legislation.

16) Does the LA84 Foundation grant money to commercial businesses?
No, the Foundation does not fund for-profit organizations or businesses.

17) Is a site visit required?
Yes, at least one site visit will be conducted when a proposal is under active review. The staff person reviewing your proposal will initiate the visit.

18) Do you fund scholarships?
Fellowship and scholarship support is provided only to nonprofits; individuals are not eligible to apply for scholarships directly.

19) How many grants are awarded each year?
Approximately 90

20) Does the Foundation award multi-year funding?

21) How do we submit reports?
Reports may be submitted via the same portal where the original application was submitted. The login credentials that were established when the application was submitted may also be used to submit the report.

22) How soon can we reapply for another grant?
Your organization may apply for another grant 12 months after completion of the grant term and submission of a report. There are occasional exceptions to this rule. Please discuss your particular circumstance with your Program Officer, if you would like to reapply sooner.

23) Can we report early?
If your project concludes before the end of your full grant cycle, you may submit a final report early. However, you are not eligible to reapply until one year after the conclusion of your grant.

24) If we are a returning grantee, do we have to go through the same application process?

25) Do you fund sport camps or sport clinics?
In general, youth sports camps and one-time clinics are not a priority area for foundation grant funding.

26) How do you define “structured play”? 
The LA84 Foundation uses the definition from The Aspen Institute to define “structured play” as “rule-governed and externally structured physical activities involving competition or challenges that call for specific physical skills and strategies to achieve goals”. 

27) Do you fund physical education during the school day?
If your organization has developed a “structured play” curriculum that supplements the existing physical education program and has paid staff or volunteers delivering the program at more than one school, we can consider your request. 

28) Do you fund elite or club sports?
In general, elite sports are not a priority area for foundation grant funding. The LA84 Foundation prioritizes sport exploration and exposure for youth. As a result, the Foundation typically does not consider requests that engage youth in “high performance” or “elite level” sports where the focus is more on specialization versus learning the fundamentals of the sport and increasing opportunities for participation.