LA84 Foundation/Mt. SAC Youth Days Relays
The LA84 Foundation/Mt. SAC Youth Relays kicked off Friday, March 30. Approximately 3,500 middle school boys and girls from schools throughout Southern California participated in various track and field events at the famous Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) Stadium. On Saturday, March 31, 2,500 athletes in grades 3-6 took over the field. Events contested on both days include numerous long and short relays, the shuttle hurdles, 1500m, 1200m, long jump, triple jump, high jump, shotput, and junior javelin (bean bag that must be throw with proper javelin technique). The Youth Days are limited to only school teams made up of novice youth.
An instructional assemblies program at various schools and at the Mt. SAC Stadium over the last couple of months preceded the Youth Days. In the 27 years of this program more than 310,000 youth have been introduced to track and field.
The program is organized by a great group of volunteers under the leadership of Don Ruh. Many of them have been together since the first year of the program.
Press Contact:
F. Patrick Escobar
LA84 Foundation